Master Bedroom Suite
King Size bed with private deck overlooking the ocean with panoramic views of the surrounding islands.

Master Bedroom Suite
Master Bedroom Suite located on second floor with private bathroom and shower

Master Bedroom Bath features a shower with views overlooking the Atlantic.

Queen Bedroom
Queen Bedroom 1 overlooking the pool and ocean with en-suite bathroom.

Queen Bedroom
Queen Bedroom 2 overlooking the pool and ocean with en-suite bathroom.

En- Suite bathrooms
En-Suite bathroom for bedroom 1. Bedroom 2 has a similar bathroom.

2 Queen bedrooms with en suite baths by the pool.

King Bedroom
King Bedroom 3 with en-suite bath. Entry is from lower deck with panoramic views overlooking the ocean.

King Bedroom
King Bedroom 4 with en-suite bathroom. Entry is from lower deck, with panoramic ocean views.

En-Suite bathroom
En- Suite bathroom for bedroom 4. Bedroom 3 has a similar bathroom.

En Suite bathroom
En-suite bath for King bedroom 4. Bedroom 3 has a similar bathroom.